01 November 2009

An amazing opportunity...For you? For someone you know?

It is not often we get to invite someone to join us in this amazing journey, but today that is what our blog is about. Please follow along.

Our teacher Diana is amazing. Just click on her blog to the right to see. She came to Haiti with us as a new graduate enrolled in a missionary development program. She came on faith. Not really knowing what she has gotten herself into but knowing it was right with God. She came and taught our three children for one year and then committed to another, only things changed. God has stretched her and challenged her by adding another missionary family to the mix AND beautiful Haitian twins (added to our family). As she sits now, she teaches 9 children in 4 different grades and ESL as she goes. She is incredible in what she does, but as anyone could guess, that is a lot for one teacher!

We have all reached a point where we realize that we need some help. It is becoming increasingly difficult for Diana to give the kids all the attention that they need in order to have a fantastic school year. The biggest challenge is that even though our twins are learning English well, they require a lot of one on one attention to keep them up with the group. School is completely different than what they are used to and they are still learning the language. We all feel it is best that they have a teacher of their own. We would require the teacher for the remainder of this school year.

So what does this have to do with you? Well, if you have an interest in 3rd world missions, if you have an interest in teaching/homeschooling Gr 1, if you have ESL experience or have an interest in this, if you at least remember a wee bit of your french, and if you would love to teach orphan twins who will warm your heart........then join us in Haiti! Perhaps this is not you but someone comes to your mind, then please give them a call.
Please help us find the right person God has to join us in Haiti. If you are interested or know someone that would be the right person to join us, then please contact us (info on this blog) best by e-mail and we can chat further. We just know that God has the right person out their to teach our sweet girls.

God Bless


Julianne said...

If I was single I would hop on the plane tonight! I have my specialist in ESL...that's what I teach and love! I'll pray you find the right person! :)

Julianne Percy

Laurens &; Cheryl VAN DER MARK said...

Who says you have to be single! :)
Our Haitian church also definitely needs a pastor who can set up and teach them programs in compassion and develop direction for the church! :).......

Vaneesa said...

Sounds like a good fit to me. ;)