13 February 2010

Peace be Still

So a month has passed from the earthquake. A month! We really can not believe it as time has flown so fast....just a blur.

We continue to work like crazy but things are slightly more manageable....slightly. Which gives you just enough space to breathe just a little lighter, to sleep just a little more, to sit down to dinner just a little easier.

We had another aftershock this morning. We thought we were maybe at a point of being comfortable enough to relax but we were wrong. It only lasted a couple seconds, and it was small enough that those who did not go through the 7.0 did not think it was a big deal, but it was enough to make us realize that we are still on high alert to escape the building. We went from asleep to awake and out of our beds in seconds flat only to realize it had stopped and escape was not necessary. It is hard to shake the feeling, the memories and panic you experienced.

I think that the adrenaline is starting to decrease however in everyday work. The let down has started. We are starting to feel exhausted after so little sleep in a month. We are able to cry a bit. This is good I think. We have been able to rest a little more the last few days but we wake up after a little nap feeling just as exhausted as before we slept.

The world has started to move on and forget about Haiti but it is far from over. We still have amputees lying in our make shift ward and everywhere we go, there are homeless people living under bed sheets. So many people are left without a home and they lie under their sheets, shivering praying for no rain.

Fri, today and tomorrow were National days of prayer. From 6am to 12pm and from 5-7pm each day we have been having church services. The church is packed!! They worshipped and prayed like crazy thanking God that they were alive. People were hanging out in the grass outside on blankets (like Woodstock!) and my ward patients were carried in on their mats to lie in the church to be prayed over. This reminded me of bible stories for sure. Over a thousand voices singing their hearts out and praying together is an amazing thing. It is fantastic to see how respectful people are of the injured now, whereas before the quake there was a lot of social stigma around disability.

There is a lot going on in the realm of planning and many many positive changes going on at the Mission of Hope. I was reminded yesterday of my lack of faith when something seemed insurmountable and God proved me wrong yet again. He is moulding and changing us daily.

I sit and listen to "Peace Be Still" by Rush of Fools and the tears come. You need to listen to it. It is a song that I listen to because it mirrors words spoken by God in the bible. It powerfully tells us "Please be still...... and know that I am God". In the midst of something this huge, it is all you have to hold on to. He knows what He is doing. He knows how he is going to work this to the best for His kingdom. Everyday when someone slips away in our ward, I hear His voice say, "Be still and know that I am God".

Our little conquerers....


Anonymous said...

Van Der Mark Crew, Thank you for posting. It's so good to know how you all are doing and what's going on at MOH. I'm glad the tears are beginning to come, I truly believe there is healing in crying, no weakness, just healing. Know that many continue to pray for whatever you all need during this time, God knows what you need. I'm sure you have felt Him sustain you like never before this last month. Remember to take good care of yourselves. Much Love, Audra Skaggs from Oklahoma City, OK USA

the smiths said...

Hi Guys!

Thanks for the posts. Please know you are being lifted up continually, along with your fellow countrymen. We love you!

Tammy, Ben, and Rowyn

The Goodnights said...

Thank you for your constant posts. Haiti and Mission of Hope have not been forgotten in this American's heart. My husband, Cody, is serving with Mission of Hope this week. I wish I could have joined him. Praying for your work. It does not go unnoticed.

Savanna said...

Hi there,
Y'all don't know me, but I am a fellow Meeting houser. I have been following your blog and praying for you. If there are specific prayer requests you have, please let us know!
Love in Christ,
Savanna Cahill (milton)...Bruce Trail Home church