24 August 2010

Prayer update

Computers. I hate computers. OK it is a love hate relationship. Laurens has heard me say this many times.

Today it is computers that now stand in our way of being reunited as a family in Canada. For those many of you who are asking for an update on the girls passports....we are still waiting.

There is apparently a problem with the computer system in Haitian immigration keeping our girls passports from being completed but we are hoping it will be rectified soon. Please continue to pray for a miracle and that if it is God's will, that things will be done soon.

We will keep you posted.

For all those that have been so fantastically generous, THANK YOU!!! We have all the borrowed mattresses and temporary furniture that we need. Wow, I wish it was that easy to get stuff like this to our Haitian friends. We also have the funds in place for the flights. Praise God.

Thank you to everyone! Bringing everyone here to heal will definitely be a team effort.

"God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterword they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him." James 1:12


the smiths said...

Thanks for keeping us in the loop. Holding you all up in prayer......

md said...

Nothing wrong with just crying for the pain suffering, and frustration you feel.

20+ years in the ER did not prepare me emotionally for what we saw and did there in January