10 January 2011

Preparation for the memories

Tonight I am sitting in my yard. The beautiful tropical trees we planted 2 years ago over barren ground now strong and majestic, are whispering softly in the wind. It is a beautiful night. The moon lies directly in front of me half covered by cloud, peaking through like a sleepy eye half covered by an eyelid. It glows an eery orange but it takes my breath away. As I look up I am surrounded by a million stars, their constellations forming beautiful pictures across the night sky. The black sky so vast and endless. Everything seems so still and powerful.

It is such a contrast to one year ago. The day our world shook. The day nothing stood still. The day when all that we counted on to be strong, fell. January 12th 2010. The day we will never forget.

We can not really believe that it has been almost one year since that dreadful earthquake. Since the day lives were stamped out and families lives were changed forever. We can not believe it has been a year since we lost that innocent trust in the soil and since we helped and saw so many crushed bodies.

Photo Taken By: Alex Albojer

As we prepare for Wed... the memorials and the memories, we look back on a year marred by tragedy and pain. A year of destruction and sorrow. A year of faith tested yet strengthened. And we look forward to a year of hope, regeneration and a future.

Click on the following links for information about what is happening at Mission of Hope:

*** New *** Mission of Hope website

Mission of Hope on YouTube

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